Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference (CAMH Conference)
Mon, Mar 28 2022 - Wed, Mar 30 2022
Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa
Gold Coast, Australia
With around 1 in 7 children and adolescents aged 4-17 recently experiencing a mental disorder in Australia, the need for greater education, treatment and support is crucial. The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference is designed to provide practical, relevant information and strategies for professionals to apply directly to their work supporting the mental health of children and adolescents from 3-19 years of age. Professor Frank Oberklaid AM Group Leader, Policy, Equity and Translation, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Centre for Community Child Health, The Royal Children’s Hospital. Dr Alexandra De Young Research Fellow, School of Psychology, The University of Queensland Australia & Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health, Children’s Health Queensland. Apply to become a conference presenter by sharing your experience, research findings or professional insight in one (or more) of the below topics.