Childrens Pastors Conference
Tue, Jan 12 2021 - Thu, Jan 14 2021
Global Online
Children's Pastors Conference (CPC21) is a national event where the global kidmin community gathers together for learning, inspiration, fun, and renewal. The next conference is held on January 12-14, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Because this is true, leaders who serve kids and families should be connected to what they need: high quality training, meaningful community, transformative resources, and biblical inspiration for their calling. Experience in-depth training from leading children's ministry experts and practitioners, and explore the latest tools and opportunities for kidmin in the Resource Center!. Get the space you need to care for your soul as you engage in dynamic worship, connect with the Lord in dedicated times of prayer, and receive encouragement from Scripture through the speakers!. CPC is an environment where relationships with fellow kidmin leaders are forged and strengthened. Find people who will walk with you for years to come!.