LED Expo
Thu, Nov 18 2021 - Sat, Nov 20 2021
New Delhi, India
New Delhi, India
领导世博会只显示覆盖整个印度value chain of the LED industry. It has recognised the industry potential and has identified it as a futuristic technology which will take the lighting industry by storm. It has created a platform for its exhibitors and visitors to source and explore the latest in trend products and technologies from around the globe.
Illuminating technologies for the future!
领导世博会只显示覆盖整个印度value chain of the LED industry. It has recognised the industry potential and has identified it as a futuristic technology which will take the lighting industry by storm. It has created a platform for its exhibitors and visitors to source and explore the latest in trend products and technologies from around the globe.
About LED Expo, New Delhi
LED Expo in India has become a source of inspiration with innovative products, technologies and trends for the world’s LED industry. With future-oriented solutions on display, LED Expo is becoming a stimulating force in India to phase out non-conventional lighting including CFL and CCFL lighting and leap forward into next-generation technology for intelligent LED lighting.