Tue,12月07日 - 星期四,09年12月2021日
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York, USA
Plastec East,专业游客的贸易展被认为是美国塑料加工的最佳贸易展览之一。它展示了与加工机械,辅助设备,组件,模具,模具基础和模具组分,树脂和模塑化合物,计算机和软件系统等扇区相关的产品。Plastec East Focuses的主要业务部门是塑料和橡胶。最新的机械和软件服务由该活动中的高额供应商提供。展览的主要动机是为汽车,航空,建筑,电子,医疗等制造商提供解决方案。
We understand the that an opportunity to connect, learn, and grow your business is critical, and so we’re excited to announce the launch of two new virtual events — MD&M | BIOMEDigital and Virtual Engineering Days.
MD&M|BIOMEDigital, taking place April 6-7, will feature the latest on contract manufacturing, digital health, 3D printing, software and security, surgical robotics and more. Learn more at MD&M | BIOMEDigital
Virtual Engineering Days, taking place June 15-17, 2021, will feature innovations within the plastic, packaging, automation, and design and manufacturing markets — spanning medical, food and beverage, personal care, cannabis, 3DP, industrial applications, and much more. Additional event details will be available soon.