Swiss Medtech Expo
Tue, Sep 14 2021 - Wed, Sep 15 2021
Messe Luzern AG
Lucerne, Switzerland
The Swiss Medtech Expo is the Swiss meeting point for the medtech supplier industry with the most important exhibitors, novelties, application examples, exhibits, expert lectures and much more.
Swiss Medtech Expo ist the trade fair for Europe's third- largest Medtech market. Leading suppliers, research and educational institutes as well as specialised service providers will be demonstrating their competencies.
The 4th Swiss Medtech Expo turns the spotlight onto twelve focus topics. They show visitors what topics they must address to successfully implement their Medtech projects – from boosting performance to small-volume production and quality assurance.
As an Swiss Medtech Expo exhibitor, you can present your project accomplishments as showcases. These real-world application examples provide a convincing demonstration of your competencies and make their benefits evident to potential customers.
你也可以展示你展示了深入the website. In the run-up to the Swiss Medtech Expo, future visitors can get up to speed on possible solution approaches to their challenges and search out exhibitors of interest. At the Swiss Medtech Expo itself, this will ease you into dialogue with the right customers.
In addition, you can introduce your most exciting showcases in brief presentations at the Innovation Symposium in the middle of the exhibition hall. The Innovation Symposium is organized according to the focus topics and provides an opportunity to position yourself as an expert in your specialist area.