GeoConvention (GeoConvention)
Physical Exhibition
Mon, Jun 20 2022 - Wed, Jun 22 2022
Virtual Exhibition
Mon, Jun 20 2022 - Wed, Jun 22 2022
Organizer :
GeoConvention 2020将focus on petroleum, base and precious metals, geophysics, groundwater, seabed mapping, geohazards, and environmental remediation. Once in a decade, the CSPG, CSEG and CWLS partner with GAC, MAC and IAH to bring together a fully integrated geoscience program. Whether your focus is petroleum, base and precious metals, geophysics, groundwater, bedrock and seabed mapping, geohazards, uranium or environmental remediation, GeoConvention 2020 will present the latest developments and insights across a complete spectrum of Earth Sciences. This is your ultimate opportunity to gain insight to your profession and the earth, sharing experiences and knowledge with your peers from across Canada and the world. Join us and experience hundreds of insightful presentations for industry, academic and government thought leaders, brought to you through our innovative platform!. Content will be accessible wherever or whenever you are: no travel expenses, no commuting, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!. Thank you for joining us on this adventure!.
What is GeoConvention?
GeoConvention is an annual convention and exhibit produced by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG), Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) and the Canadian Well Logging Society (CWLS). For 2022, the conference will be hosted live in Calgary at the Telus Convention Center and virtually through our online conference platform. GeoConvention offers delegates and attendees the opportunity to network, knowledge share and learn with fellow industry professionals, visit exhibitors and give back to the earth science community.