The 2nd International Congress of Micro-Immunotherapy was originally scheduled from 27 - 30 May 2020. The theme of the conference is metabolic reprogramming and immunity. ICoMI 2020 Congress offers a dynamic international platform for open-minded discussions between researchers, clinicians, students and anyone involved in the development of science and medicine. It's a great opportunity to share innovative ideas, make new collaborations and highlight the latest technology that will help transform medicine with new medications and treatments, especially in the field of chronic disease.
About us
The British Society for Immunology's mission is to support our immunology community in driving scientific discovery and making a positive impact on health. We accomplish this by:
- 为免疫学社区提供支持,以建立更多的联系并在其领域以及其他相关科学学科和部门之间建立合作。
- Providing sector-leading support to attract and retain talent in immunology.
- Influencing and improving the external environment to enable immunology to thrive and deliver positive outcomes for health.