Original Bridal Swap
Mon, Mar 14 2022 - Sun, Mar 14 2021
Croatian Cultural Centre
Vancouver, Canada
Bringing together Past Brides, Craft Artisans and other Sellers, with Brides to Be who are on the hunt for their perfect wedding treasures and dresses. The Original Bridal Swap is a unique wedding event that unites Past Brides, Craft Artisans, Decorators Clearing Out Inventory, and other Sellers who have wedding related goods and services to share with Brides & Grooms to Be who are on the hunt for their perfect wedding treasures. I went last year to source out some ideas for my wedding and check out a few vendors. This event is a great idea to find your "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue" for the big day. And where else are you going to find a never worn designer wedding dress at discounted prices? I got some great deals and ideas at the last event. TIP: get early-bird access if you are serious about finding a dress.