周五,9月3日2021年 - 太阳,9月5日2021年
星期五(学校教育日),周六和星期日开放,胜利展览会为来自重新制定营地,1940年的车辆和模型遥控飞机的每个人都有一些东西。大型交易员地区将有超过60个摊位。第三届二战飞机,坦克和1940年代的工作和静电养殖机械。There will be a huge Army Encampment and 50+ Re-enactment Groups, 200+ Vehicles including Heavy Armour, Tanks and many more, Hinckley Model Boat Club and Paul Harper playing throughout the day in the Marquee.The 1940’s themed Dinner Dance for 700 + guests is always popular on the Saturday night plus many more attractions all over the Cosby Victory Show Site including various food & drink outlets. The Show offers the greatest respect to the 1940’s and WWII, what better way to commemorate 75 years since the end of the war and the 80th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain. Step back over 60 years in time with a host of high quality re-enactment & historical societies showing the lives of the participants of the conflict in foreign theatres and the home front. As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are following government advice and have made the very difficult decision to postpone The Victory Show 2020 until 2021. Any tickets already purchased for 2020 will remain valid for The Victory Show Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th September 2021.