Market News
The goal of Making Indonesia 4.0 is to achieve Indonesia’s entry into the top ten economies in the world by 2030. The roadmap of Indonesia’s Industry 4.0 is the key to enhancing the overall competitiveness of Indonesia’s industry in the future digital era, guiding the implementation of Indonesia’s national strategy, and where the interests are at stake. Cooperation and coordinated implementation between various industries aim to promote inclusive national growth and sustainable community welfare.
2021-07-06 14:53:47
Analysis of the Australian Industrial Market
Market News
Analysis of the Australian Industrial Market
2021-07-05 19:11:04
印度's Industrial Structure and Economic Overview
Market News
印度's Industrial Structure and Economic Overview
In terms of 2019 data, India is the world's 10th largest machine tool producer and the world's 8th largest machine tool consumer. The Indian government has set a target for India’s manufacturing output value to account for 25% of GDP by 2025. Together with the prime minister’s active promotion of "Made in India", it will bring a huge boost to the demand for machine tools in India. The Indian machine tool market still has considerable development potential, and the Indian manufacturing market is rising rapidly.
2021-07-05 14:21:18
Market News
随着美国 - 中国贸易战的蔓延,越南工业制造业的发展和商业机会得到了加速。近年来,越南的经济形势表现良好。In 2018, Vietnam’s average national income per capita reached US$2,590, an increase of US$200 from 2017 and 1.23 times that of 2015. The Vietnamese government is working hard to promote the development of the manufacturing market and set the goal of becoming an industrial power.
2021-07-01 18:52:12
Industrial automation has been a common trend in global industrial development. With the rapid development of technology and the complexity of product manufacturing, how to optimize the production efficiency of a factory through intelligent management and corresponding equipment supporting to achieve an intelligent factory and flexible manufacturing production is the latest direction in the development of the automation industry.
2021-06-30 18:00:10
With the soaring volume of e-commerce transactions, the demand for logistics is also rising. In the process of industry transformation and upgrading, smart technology has become one of the keys to industry development.
2021-06-30 16:29:08
A Survey of Technical Development of Wastewater Reuse under Circular Economy
Market News
A Survey of Technical Development of Wastewater Reuse under Circular Economy
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology is to pretreat and evaporate industrial wastewater, collect the condensed water distilled from the zero liquid discharge system for water recycling applications, and send unevaporated solids to landfills or use them as valuable salt. Class by-products are reused. In 2018, the global ZLD market demand was approximately 5,442 million U.S. dollars, with the largest industrial application being the energy and power industries, followed by the petrochemical and chemical industries.
2021-06-29 21:33:34
Market News
2021-06-29 18:25:09
What Are Mechanism Design and Its Application?
What Are Mechanism Design and Its Application?
A mechanism design requires consideration of materials, specifications, precision, manufacturing processes, functions, etc., and must be cost-effective to create a good mechanism design.
2021-06-24 17:17:30
Market News
In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, various countries have issued a series of bans, city closures and traffic restrictions, driving the demand for housing, working at home, online shopping, and home entertainment. This in turn has driven the demand for 3C products such as information and communications products. Among these, display panels have shown one of the greatest increases in demand, and the global display screen equipment market grew by 19% in 2020, reaching USD 13.52 billion.
2021-06-24 09:14:53