

In-mold manufacturing, casting and forging are often used for processing. What is the difference between these two manufacturing processes?
Published: Feb 10, 2022


Casting is a process of smelting metal into a liquid that meets certain requirements, and then pouring it into a mold. After cooling, solidification, and cleaning, a casting (part or blank) with a predetermined shape, size, and performance is obtained. It is one of the basic processes of the modern machinery manufacturing industry.

Casting can be divided into gravity casting and low-pressure casting:
  • Gravity casting: The manufacturing process is simple, and the liquid alloy is poured into the mold to cool and form. Since the casting mold is durable and the construction method is simple, it is a low-cost manufacturing method.
  • Low-pressure casting: The liquid alloy is pressed into the mold at low pressure so that the molecular distribution is even. Because the pores are less and the metal density is higher, the casting is stronger. Low-pressure casting can be safer than with gravity casting but the process can be more complicated.
Casting process:
  • 霉菌(容器):将液体合金压在低压下,使分子分布均匀。因为孔较少,金属密度较高,因此铸造更强。低压铸造可以比重力铸造更安全,但是该过程可能更复杂。
  • 铸造金属的熔化和倒入:铸造金属(铸造合金)主要包括铸铁,铸钢和铸造合金。
  • Casting treatment and inspection: Casting treatment includes removal of foreign matter on the core and casting surface, removal of pouring risers, relief grinding of burrs and seams and other protrusions, as well as heat treatment, shaping, anti-rust treatment, and rough machining.
Mechanical properties of material structure:


The advantages of casting are:


The disadvantages of casting are:

There are many materials (such as metal, wood, fuel, molding materials, etc.) and equipment (such as metallurgical furnaces, sand mixers, molding machines, core making machines, shakeout machines, shot blasting machines, cast iron plates, etc.) required for foundry production, and they can produce dust, harmful gas, and noise that pollute the environment.

Common casting applications:




  • 打开锻造:使用冲击力或压力将上铁和下铁(块)之间的金属变形以获得所需的怀。可以手动或机械地进行锻造。
  • Closed mode forging: Forgings are obtained by pressing and deforming metal blanks in a forging die with a set shape. Forging processes can include die forging, cold heading, rotary forging, extrusion, etc. Forging can be divided into hot forging, warm forging, and cold forging according to the deformation temperature.
Mechanical properties of material structure:

Through the forging process, the metal can improve its structural and mechanical properties and ensure the continuity of the metal fiber structure, so that the fiber structure of the forging is consistent with the appearance of the forging. The metal forging flow line is complete, which can ensure high metal adhesion and good mechanical properties, improving the normal service life of the metal.

Through the forging process, the metal can improve its structural and mechanical properties and ensure the continuity of the metal fiber structure, so that the fiber structure of the forging is consistent with the appearance of the forging. The metal forging flow line is complete, which can ensure high metal adhesion and good mechanical properties, improving the normal service life of the metal.



Materials used for forging are mainly carbon steel and alloy steel of various compositions, followed by aluminum, magnesium, titanium, copper, etc., and their alloys. The original state of the material is a bar, ingot, metal powder, or liquid metal. The ratio of the cross-sectional area of the metal before deformation to the die cross-sectional area after deformation is called the forging ratio. Correct selection of forging ratio has a lot to do with improving product quality and reducing costs.

Common forging applications:

Auto parts, motorcycle parts, bicycle parts, electric vehicle parts, machinery industry parts, chemical industry parts, fitness equipment parts, civil construction industry parts, medical equipment parts, machine tool parts, aviation parts, transmission parts, furniture and home accessories parts, mining parts, transportation parts, hand tool parts, agricultural machinery parts, air tool parts, etc.

Published: Feb 10, 2022 资源 :read01

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