拥有5亿人口的欧洲共同市场:据Sodic总裁Masaru Yanada说,他手里拿着一张对比图,“世界市场”见证了5亿人口的经济发展。以1994年为基准,2007年欧盟27国人均GDP增长了50%,其中爱尔兰增长了231%,是1994年的两倍多。即使是一个非常小的国家,瑞士的表现也增长了37%。相比之下,日本的增长率仍保持在6%。去年,在汉诺威欧洲机床EMO展会现场,大久间钢铁表示:“不改变工业社会,追求‘成长中的’产业的未开发市场,一个接一个产生连锁反应。”东欧、俄罗斯等市场“甚至西部的几个国家也得到了滋养。”据松浦机械株式会社社长松浦诚俊介绍,“欧洲在90年代开始衰落,经过重组,经济和流通业重新发展起来。据AMADA称,“罗马尼亚、马其顿、塞尔维亚等国家的市场仍在继续扩大。由于市场规模大,对工作量的需求很大,人手确实短缺。”根据三菱电机机电事业部的业务总监Masahiro Masahiro的说法,“欧洲的繁荣对任何地方都有好处。” In the 1990s, the EU Commission implemented the "Gate-Way to Japan" plan to strengthen the promotion of the Japanese market. Facing Japan's huge trade surplus, what is urgently needed is "more purchases." But like a car driven by a left-hand drive, it cannot be sold because of different national conditions.
美国无悔的力量:自20世纪80年代以来,美国可以说它已经“脱离了工业化社会”。美国在机床方面的实力逐渐被低估,但其面积和人口居世界第三,GDP为12.36万亿美元(购买力平价:2005年数据)。1日的地方。因此,这个国家的实力需要重新得到认可。广泛经营进口产品的Captain Industry公司的创始人渡边敏社长在参观福特博物馆时看到了日本制造业的基础,他说:“展出的机床比日本的历史更悠久。在需要的时候,仅仅是轴承的生产就需要磨床的生产,一开始没有技术工人或体力劳动,而且机械化。汽车Meshion可以说是美国的。此外,“在独立之前,英国没有向美国这个移民之地传授机械技术。不过,要想打英国,第一居所的人必须有一把温彻斯特式的爆裂步枪(Winchester),而科尔式的特种自动手枪(Colt)则有所谓的基业。由于必不可少的是铁矿石或稀有金属(rare metal),所需要的材料都可以找到。 Therefore, based on these backgrounds, the United States has to manufacture It can be said that machine tools are not difficult. " In addition, in the shopping street in Seattle, in the underground parking lot, a drilling machine or a lathe is placed. "The products that are sold can be bought by ordinary people and used in their own garages. Therefore, it can be thought that the machine tool is the average family Props used ". The import of machine tools (such as photos) made by Hass from the United States, as well as the import minister Itochu Mecha Toronics HFO Promotion Department, is also very far-reaching. HFO (Hass Factory Outlet) is a world machine tool brand that has only been established in the past 10 years as far as the logistics system of the Hass brand is concerned, there are the following rules: 1. Must have a display room. 2. Do not sell products of other brands. 3. Services are handled by your own company. 4. Parts inventory must be done. The 22-year-old Hass only sold 12,000 machines in the first 10 years but has sold 70,000 units in the next 10 years. Mainly American core company Boeing, etc., has a lot of procurement performance. It can be said that he was given the gift of improved internalization and efforts to lower the original price rate. Looking at the car example, it is not like the Lexus brand, but the popular Carroll, FORD. Their philosophy is to pursue prices that are easy to get started, so they can be used by many small factories.
德国和日本的机床行业仍然受到大众的欢迎:无论是日本机床还是德国机床,仍然受到大众的欢迎。德国国内生产总值为23620亿美元(购买力平价:2004年),居世界第五位。工业实力被评为非常高。据法夫总统说。DMG日本的Raina说:“客户将采用能够响应现场声音的技术或产品。”可以说,他们创造了舞台。此外,可以指出的是,德国人在制定规则或规范之后,紧随其后的是国民性。就德国迈斯特体系而言,在17岁进入企业三年,在企业的三年,在企业工作的同时学习学校的理论。取得资格后,方可前往。例如,“某人来日本之前是银行职员。 When he stood in front of a lathe, he just started to feel stupefied. To cooperate with tens of millions of yen machinery for processing operations, it would be good if he had obtained the qualification to operate the machine before. Now, the job is very generous. It’s like getting a chef ’s certificate. "
在德国,设计师通常会去加工现场,尝试自己的设计,编辑加工程序,并在很多情况下现场生产。DMG公司去年在EMO展览会场发布了优秀的CNC控制器“ERGO系列”。大显示屏和操作键盘可改变角度。准备好需要的函数,去掉不需要的函数。瞄准具的位置、高度和手腕长度都根据人体工程学进行了分析和设计。此外,如果需要,还引入了腰部安装的控制器。在德国,联邦统计局调查客户的标准体型并制定,制造商根据这些数据进行开发。切削工具公司MK Fulanken日本分公司的负责人也强调,设计师应该自己尝试。坚持不懈的切割加工能力只能得到很高的评价。使用无强度的加工机械是不会显示引进效果的。 In order to avoid being involved in price competition, therefore, we tried to accumulate inherent technology. Let the principles and principles not be broken. The head of the sheet metal business department of Tolmp Corporation in the sheet metal industry compared the Japanese and German thinking models. Japanese manufacturers are considering the convenience of after-sales maintenance in the future, so they use standard tools as much as possible, but Tolmp's idea is quite the opposite. If you do not use your own set of tools, you can't perform processing operations at all. Therefore, there are differences in starting point considerations. President Arai of the Nagara Company of Sheet Metal Industry and President Yan said heartily, "Depending on the situation in the current country, it suppresses the original factory's concept and cooperates."
瑞典独特的存在:在世界制造业中,北欧王国的瑞典发出了自己的存在感。国土面积居世界第54位,人口约900万,居世界第88位。从国家实力指数来看,它并不高。GDP排名世界第33位,奥地利、希腊等在其之上。但在这些国家,很少有品牌需要与瑞典的VOLVO、SABA、SKF、SANDBIG、SEKO、TOLLS等竞争。瑞典的钢铁产品,因为拥有优质的铁矿石,自古以来就在欧洲市场上享有盛誉。SKF是一家经过造纸、纤维和钢铁行业强大客户培训的公司。可以说是在本国以瑞典钢铁为中心制造轴承等产品的区域性特产。据日本世耕工具总统报道,“由于生活在寒冷人烟稀少的国家,机械机器可以说是支撑人们生活的辅助工具。沃尔沃或SABA的汽车都是钢制的,很坚固,即使在冰上被划伤,也不会受到冲击。 It is not as simple as a Japanese car. It is only to protect the people in the car from hitting the body (Crusher Blue, Body). Since the Iron Age, Swedish steel has a sharp performance but failed to become the protagonist of Europe. The president said, "This can be said to be indispensable for survival, just like a dark horse."
中国圈及制造业实力:在思考未来的制造业时,不可避免地会想到中国。由于文化大革命的影响,可以说在技术上落后了30年。据政策研究研究生院的一位教授称,“在此期间,其他亚洲国家将进一步完成他们无法完成的事情。”现场的人太棒了。它们不是干部创造的,而是现场工作人员的汗水创造的。”可以指出的是,中国的制造业实力已经回到了原点。支持所谓的中国祖国,是在海外取得成功的华侨资本的支持。与多家日本公司有业务往来的优佳实业集团成员之一,P板加工机的制造商,TAKEUCHI的总统,做了一个日本和中国的比较。面对生存竞争的压力,就生活中的成功人士而言,他们的目标不是赚更多的钱,而是从今晚早上开始谨慎地工作。坚持不懈地拥抱“市场是残酷的”的张力。 This is the ideal of President Maeno who cuts off his wealth and pursues business participation. "Their life transactions are like the world of the Three Kingdoms, forming a living community with high corporate partners." The president said, "Japanese people have their own strength for Japan's strength of 10 points. This idea is wrong. In fact, of the 10 points, their own strength is only 4 points. The other 6 points should belong to the achievements of the predecessors of Japan's glorious scenery have been created. The surrounding countries have begun to master the strength of 5, 6, and 7 points, "which also sounded the alarm bell of the current status of Japan. As an example, Japan used to support Taiwan's machine tool industry in its infancy. Forty years ago, Japan transferred its manufacturing line for locomotive engines to Taiwan. At that time, it needed to bring tool machines for processing from Japan, and Dongtai Seiki, which was established with financial assistance from Japan. According to the director of the company’s Tokyo sales office, Mr. Takahashi Katsuji, "Taiwan ’s machine tools are exported to about 70%. In the real world of overseas Chinese, the price is first, and the function is second, and there is no quality concept above the price. From the perspective of Taiwan, Japan ’s high speed and high precision seem to exceed the needs of its customers. " At present, there are about 300 machine tool manufacturers in Taiwan. In terms of population ratio, Taiwan can be said to be a "tool machine-building country." Shanghai Banking Corporation, which is mainly based on the slide rail system, has established strongholds in the world's major industrial countries, or the layout of agents, and has prepared a rapid response system. However, the company also considers the cultivation of the next generation, which is the responsibility of the company. It is mainly based on engineering students and has created the "Silver Award", which is selected through the third-party organization and praised. It can be said that such corporate sponsorship of culture and art has mastered the situation that advanced industrial countries should have.